Creating a startup A to Z

Year: 2015
Projects team: Ori Bar, Yaniv Sharon, Sarah Graneck
HOLIADVICE was a first technological company, which developed intelligent digital tools for complementary and integrative practitioners, to practice medicine online and make location-based house calls. The company is using a self-made algorithm that contains big data, the wisdom of the crowds, and other elements to provide a telemedicine network of digital clinics to treat and advise on cancer, HIV, and coronary artery disease.
HOLIADVICE was created and established by the agency from the concept stage to the execution stage and fundraising stage. It was the first company of its kind in the world and operated successfully.

Starting a startup is a task that consists of hundreds of operations and thousands of hours of work. We started working in three receiving channels: building a business plan, branding and building the prototype and finding financing.
Starting a startup is a task that consists of hundreds of operations and thousands of hours of work. We started working in three receiving channels: building a business plan, branding and building the prototype and finding financing.